Methodologies · A Catalogue
The following methodologies has guided me through this process.
Everyday scenography
Observing everyday life is an endless source for ideas on composition and perspectives. Actively looking at everyday situations have evoked thoughts on how a space can guide us without instructions but through light, the placement of objects, the level of sound or density of people; Everyday scenography.
Space sensing
I look for unpredictable discoveries to appear by experiencing a place over time. The time it takes to experience how the light, sound or temperatures moves through the room in one day. This has been a valuable approach for many first meetings with spaces I have studied.
Task making
Making practical tasks as a method to start doing something and to escape the fluctuation of emotions and descision making. Something interesting always appears, even if it was not what I was looking for.
Being an audience
Being an audience is one of the key methods to inform my work further, looking for new settings and alternatives to what an audience might be.
Walking in silence. Walking in new places. Walking in between places. Giving time to reflection alone and together during a process by taking a walk. Escape. Clear the mind.
Roles as Collaborators
Utilizing my work experience from different roles and collaborations aiming to all together make a big blurry field of possibilities.
Giving and doing workshops and interviews
Sometimes it has been crucial to share in order to proceed, this has mainly happened through workshops and interviews, regardless of which role I have been in.