Practial description of A Space Journey:

An audience member books a journey via the webpage, which provides them with a link. On the exact time they booked they click on the link and are sent to a "Welcome page" ( From there they click their way through the journey, each page asking them certain tasks; either imagining things, writing or physically doing things in the space they are in. Some pages have sound to add to their experience. At one point the audience member is asked to make a phone call to pass on one of the tasks they have done. This is where the performers interact with the audience through a conversation, guiding each other to a set of movements in each their spaces. These movements are later documented through the performers ( At last the audience member is asked to play a song from the webpage, which is a song made from a text they sent earlier in their journey. These songs are made by a musician during the time the audience is on their journey and uploaded to each individual journey (examples: